How to Develop a Successful Influencer Strategy in 2021



As of 2020, 96% of US and UK consumers who follow influencers engage with them at the same rate or more than before the pandemic. Creating a solid influencer strategy will help you cash in on this increased engagement.

41% of marketers claim that their influencer marketing budgets have decreased since the onset of COVID19. Fortunately, your budget doesn’t have to be big to generate serious ROI.

The usage of ad blockers is growing every day. Working with an influencer is the only way to get past the ad blockers for sure.

Keep reading to learn about how to create a successful influencer strategy.

Influencer Marketing 101

An influencer is a social media user with the ability to influence their audience. This influence includes getting people to buy products or services from brands the influencer collaborates with. Influencers rely on their authenticity to create a sense of personal connection with their audience members.

So, what is influencer marketing? It’s working with an influencer to market a brand and its products or services. Learn more about the basics of influencer marketing through the previous link

Set Your Budget

Why use influencer marketing? Do it because it’s super affordable for its effectiveness. Influencer campaigns come in all sizes, just like influencers’ audiences do.

If you’re starting with a low budget, consider collaborating with a micro-influencer or nano-influencer. Their audiences are small, but they still drive a significant amount of engagement and sales.

Speaking of sales:

Target Your Audience

Research provides a strong foundation for any developing marketing strategy. The key to targeting your audience is finding out everything about them, then connecting with a relevant influencer.

Reach out to influencers who appeal to the audience you’re trying to target. There are influencers involved in all kinds of niches, so your options are virtually endless.

Set Goals and Mind Metrics

Setting goals defines the intended outcomes of your influencer campaign. It also gives you a clearer idea of what tactics to implement throughout the campaign.

The best goals to set are measurable. Use social media metrics to define your goals in terms of reach, impressions, engagement, etc.

Use Hashtags

Social media influencers are experts at hashtag marketing. Once you choose an influencer, use their input to design a unique hashtag for your campaign. Hashtags are like SEO for social media, so it’ll help more people find and interact with your campaign posts.

Plus, it’ll be easier to track the posts and responses your campaign attracts. That way, you’ll be able to improve your campaign via social listening.

Develop the Influencer Strategy of Your Dreams

89% of marketers believe that influencer marketing is effective. Your influencer strategy will rock the world if you follow these tips.

Meanwhile, 42% of marketers consider influencer marketing to be their top ROI-generating strategy. You deserve to enjoy all the ROI you can get.

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