New Digital Learning Platform Provides Students and Schools with a Competitive Edge


Using a fully integrated online learning and project platform, YES takes students and teachers seamlessly through their entrepreneurial journey from problem solving ideas to viable, pitch-ready ventures. The program meets Canadian Entrepreneurship 12 curriculum requirements and can be delivered flexibly depending on the needs of the students and school.

“The entrepreneurial journey enables youth to build not only a skill set that allows them to remain relevant in future careers, but also a personal profile that resonates with universities. YES participants learn to use lean startup methodology, and take on critical mind shifts that serve as valuable lifelong learning skills,” said Naheed Henderson, CEO of Empowered Startups’ Global Startup Accelerator.

Paul Legge, instructor and Career-Life Coordinator at Vancouver College, said “This program provides our students with an opportunity to learn about business in the ever-changing business world, as we move toward a society with more and more independent business owners who will command a stronger presence in the global economy.”

Legge said Vancouver College was motivated to purchase YES because of “the opportunity it will provide our students, not only for cutting edge business design practices, but also the potential to develop mentor relationships and collaborate with other young entrepreneurs around the world.”

Sixteen-year old early program adopter Jaden Legate said he is already planning to start a business with another program participant. “I think we will both be able to use the information we’ve learned to minimize our risk of failure early on and begin to build a successful company that we can scale in the future.”

YES is a 100% digital learning solution available for individuals and schools globally.

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