Some of the Tools Every Painter and Decorator Should Invest In


Some people might think to be a painter or decorator you simply need a paint brush and a wallpaper table. Of course, we all know it takes a lot more than that but could investing in more tools make your job easier? Here are some of the tools every painter and decorator should consider investing in.

An air dryer

When you’re completing a paint job, you’ll want to make sure you can get a good coat of paint onto the walls as quickly as possible. One of the best ways to do this is to invest in a spray gun. When they’re performing well, these tools can give a perfect finish to any wall or piece of furniture you’re painting in a very short amount of time. It also removes the chance of any brush strokes appearing in the final finish. The only problem is that if moisture gets in the air lines, the tool could either stop working or end up producing a poor coat of paint that then needs fixing later on. To prevent this from happening, it’s important to invest in a desiccant air dryer, like those sold on These remove any moisture that could interfere with the quality of any paint job and keeps your spray gun working at its best at all times. Failing to invest in one of these could cost you a lot of time and waste money on having to touch up certain areas.

Protection for the things you can’t get dirty

Whilst the customer has paid you to decorate the walls, they won’t be a happy customer if you end up getting paint on something else other than the walls. Make sure all floors and carpets are covered by a dust sheet before you start painting. Try and remove as many pieces of furniture out of the room as possible. If something is unable to move, make sure it is also well covered with a dust sheet. As well as protecting what’s in the room, make sure you protect everything outside of the room. Wear shoe covers whilst walking through different rooms of the house to make sure the mess you create in one room isn’t spread across the whole house.

Some pencil crayons

Often the most effective solution to a problem is also one of the simplest. For example, if you’ve put a piece of wallpaper up and there is a slight gap between two sheets, you might think the only way of repairing it is to rip down one sheet and start again. Not only will this be massively time-consuming, but it could put you at risk of not having enough wallpaper to finish the job if you end up having to do that repeatedly. Instead, invest in a wide range of coloured pencil crayons. All you need to do is simply find the shade that matches the wallpaper and colour in the gap. Use an offcut of wallpaper to check it’s the right shade before colouring in the wall. If you can’t get the right colour, you could even take the paper to a DIY store and get them to colour match the right shade of paint to fill the gap.

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