Symptoms & Causes of Bladder Control Issues


Certain health problems and conditions carry a different perception or stigma than others. This is especially true when discussing something like urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence is a condition in which the person affected experiences poor bladder control and leakage, resulting in urine that comes out and is completely out of your control. But while some may feel embarrassed, this is a health issue like any other. Understanding it and what you can do about it is key to getting the help you need. In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at the causes, symptoms, and treatments for urinary incontinence.

What are the symptoms of urinary incontinence, and what causes it?

The symptoms of urinary incontinence are straightforward. Those who experience this will leak urine unintentionally. However, while the symptoms are limited, the causes are varied. In fact, there are six types of incontinence that impact bladder control. These include:

  1. Stress incontinence: Stress incontinence occurs when physical stress is placed on the body, such as when someone coughs, sneezes, or laughs and urine comes out. This type of incontinence can be caused by pregnancy, menopause, and surgical trauma.
  2. Urge incontinence: Urge incontinence is accompanied by a sudden urge to urinate with poor urine control and mass urine loss. The causes of this are similar to the above, although they may also feature neurological diseases like Parkinson’s disease.
  3. Mixed incontinence: Mixed incontinence is a mix of stress and urge incontinence, featuring the same causes.
  4. Reflex incontinence: Reflex incontinence refers to urinary incontinence that occurs when the bladder is full and an involuntary reflex causes it to empty. This is often caused by spinal injuries.
  5. Functional incontinence: Functional incontinence is used to refer to urine loss that’s not associated with any issues in the urinary system itself. This means that causes are typically outside of the affected person’s control due to Alzheimer’s disease, head injuries, or other issues.
  6. Overflow incontinence: Overflow incontinence is caused by insufficient bladder emptying, which can be caused by spinal cord injuries, diabetes, or an enlarged prostate, among other things.

For those who deal with incontinence, these symptoms can be embarrassing. You may not be able to wear your favorite cheeky underwear or other pieces in your wardrobe like your favorite skirts or dresses. If you do break out your favorite thongs, you likely need pads to help you keep your condition in control. The good news? There are things you can do to fight against incontinence. Let’s take a look at them.

What you can do about urinary incontinence.



Stopping leaks begins with taking the right steps to improve your overall health and fitness. One way to begin is to look for a supplement that can support your bladder and urinary tract health, like Confitrol24. Confitrol is a supplement designed to help women over 50 reduce urinary incontinence, improve bladder tone, and decrease the urge to urinate. This supplement uses a proprietary blend of natural ingredients like raw horsetail, Crateva nurvala, and Lindera aggregata, to help you achieve your bladder control goals.

Some other ways you can treat urinary incontinence include losing weight and quitting smoking or drinking excessively, drinking plenty of water and maintaining a healthy diet, and engaging in exercises like pelvic floor exercises and pilates. When you combine all of these tips, you may see improvement in your condition if the condition itself isn’t related to an underlying issue outside of your control.

Urinary incontinence can be embarrassing, but you don’t have to let it control you. The guide above will tell you everything you need to know about urinary incontinence and what you can do to experience a better quality of life.

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