Are Progressive Climate Policies Worth the Cost?


Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed John D. O’Connor.
Progressive politicians want to commit trillions of dollars on climate change initiatives and accuse anyone who opposes the exorbitant cost of being a “climate change denier.”  In this segment, John O’Connor shares a brief history of climate alarmism and the settled and unsettled science behind it. What can be proven is a modest temperature increase, with positive or negative feedbacks poorly understood. Moreover, even if alarmist are correct about hypothesized massive positive feedbacks, which is impressively disputed,  the climatic improvement from following the breathtakingly expensive Paris Climate Accord would be negligible. Normal taxpayers and small business owners will suffer needlessly for no benefit.
Kevin Price introduces Price of Business show recurring guest, John D. O’Connor. O’Connor was the famed attorney of Watergate’s “Deep Throat. 
According to “O’Connor served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in Northern California from 1974-1979, representing the United States in both criminal and civil cases. Among his interesting assignments have been representation of the government during the OPEC oil embargo of the 1970s; writing Fifth Amendment and “state of mind” briefs for the prosecution in United States v. Patricia Hearst; representing the FDIC, FSLC and RTC during the savings and loan crisis of the late 1980s and early 1990s; representing California Attorney General Dan Lungren in campaign-related litigation; defending R.J. Reynolds Tobacco in significant smoking and health litigation; representing Coach Don Nelson in litigation with Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban; and representing W. Mark Felt regarding the revelation of his identity as Deep Throat.”

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