4 Easy Ways To Reinforce Your Cardboard Tubes And Boxes


There can be so many ways to strengthen your cardboard boxes and tubes. You might need to get a little more creative if you have your kids’ project next week. You might have to invest in some of the most unusual products if you want to get the right stability and durability from your cardboard tubes and pipes. The first thing that you should do is invest in quality cardboard. This is a preventive measure rather than a corrective one but it works. However, in a situation where you are struggling to make something out of the stuff that you have, on a time crunch, you can always try the following tips:


  1. Microwave It

Haven’t you ever noticed how your cardboard tubes and boxes become soggy and crumble down on just a single touch? This happens several times when you are in transit. This also happens when your house gets flooded unexpectedly or when your children make a spill all of a sudden. The most practical thing to do is either put your cardboard and paper tubes under direct sunlight or microwave them. Either way, you can make sure that all the water evaporates from the tubes completely leaving behind a dry and super hard cardboard tube. Make sure to carry your cardboard boxes and tubes with a gentle hand so that you don’t end up breaking them in the process.


  1. Layer It Up

This is a very practical method, especially when it comes to cardboard objects. You can layer them up with paper sheets or similar cardboard objects that are smaller in size. This is a neat trick and works most of the time. You will need some super strong adhesives and glue to put the objects together though. The final outcome is a very strong cardboard container/ tube that can be used for various purposes. The waiting time is going to be as long as the glue takes to dry up. After that, you are good to go.


  1. Always Use Foam

Several cardboard and paper tube manufacturers say that if your cardboard boxes and tubes are slightly bent or deformed, it is always a good option to use a little bit of foam to get them back into shape. This is useful when the cardboard has not broken into pieces. The foam is firm in texture and this is why it is ideal to give your cardboard objects sturdy support. You can keep the foam as a support inside the box or tube overnight or under the sun during the day. The result will be reinstated and dependable cardboard tubes.


  1. Taping Over The Joints

So, you cracked your cardboard box and paper tubes in several places. You can see the joints and the entire structure almost crashing down. The best and the most practical thing to do in this situation is to tape the cardboard joints and edges together. You can even insert a thick sheet of handmade paper between the cardboard surface and the tape you use. This is going to restore the shape of the cardboard object and make it reusable.


Now, wasn’t that easy? Reinforcing the shape of cardboard tubes and restoring them to normal function can be simplified by just a few creative tips. Hope this blog post helped you out.

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