How To Score 100/100 in Class 10 Maths Exam


Maths is an important subject of the class 10 board exam. It is a subject that will enhance your logical or arithmetic skills. The syllabus of class 10 maths is vast, and you have to follow a strategy that will help you to score 100 in maths. Maths is a scoring subject. The syllabus of class 10 maths consists of many chapters. You have to practice the problems every day to score good marks. Follow these tips to score 100/100 in the class 10 exam.

  • Syllabus: You should know the syllabus thoroughly. If your academic session is about to begin, go through the syllabus once. Plan your timetable according to the syllabus. It will give an overview of the different units. If you stick to the syllabus, you will surely score full marks in your maths exam. The syllabus of CBSE class 10 includes the following units:
  • Unit 1- Number Systems
  • Unit 2- Algebra
  • Unit 3- Coordinate Geometry
  • Unit 4- Geometry
  • Unit 5- Trigonometry
  • Unit 6- Mensuration
  • Unit 7- Statistics and Probability
  • Exam pattern: Check the exam pattern and mark distribution before planning your timetable. The total mark of class 10 maths exam is 100 marks. 
  • 80 marks for written exam
  • 20 marks for internal assessment

            There will be objective questions, short questions and long questions. Try to prepare for your exam by following the exam pattern. 

  • Unit 1- Number Systems                      6 marks
  • Unit 2- Algebra                                   20 marks
  • Unit 3- Coordinate Geometry              6 marks
  • Unit 4- Geometry                                 5 marks
  • Unit 5- Trigonometry                           2 marks
  • Unit 6- Mensuration                          10 marks
  • Unit 7- Statistics and Probability        11 marks

If you want to score 100 marks, make yourself well-acquainted with the exam pattern. You should pay more emphasis on chapters that carry more marks. 

  • Timetable: If you follow a strict timetable regularly, your chances of scoring 100 marks in the maths exam will increase. You should make a timetable according to your needs and conveniences. Follow the timetable religiously every day. If you study in a systematic way, you will be able to devote equal time to each unit. Divide the units and practice them every day. Do not get stuck on a single unit because you may not get time to practice other units. 
  • Learn the formulas: Formulas are an integral part of maths. If you do not know the formulas, you will not be able to solve the problems. Learn the formulas properly. Write down the formulas on your copy and revise them. If you have already learned the formulas, you will be able to solve the problems easily in your exam. If you know which formula to apply to which problem, you will definitely score high marks in your Maths exam.  
  • Sample Papers: Sample papers consists of important questions which may come in the exam. Solve the sample papers before the exam. It will be a self-assessment for you. It will help you to know the level of your preparation. You can also refer to NCERT solutions to practice important questions. NCERT solutions give an easy solution to each and every question. The solutions are explained in a step-by-step method. You can easily grasp the concept. If your teacher has taught a chapter, and you have not understood it, you can take the guidance of NCERT solutions. They will ease your learning.
  • Practice: Practice is the key to scoring good marks in your exam. Maths is a subject which requires practice. You should practice few problems from each unit regularly. If you have read a particular unit, try to solve few problems from it. If you do not practice the question or problems on a regular basis, you may forget all the formulas. Formulas can only be remembered if you apply them to some problems or sums on a regular basis. Lack of practice can be troublesome for you before the exam.
  • Time Management:  To score 100 in your maths exam, you have to manage your time properly. There will be objective questions, short and long questions. You should be able to complete the paper on time. For that, you should give time to each and every question. If you spend a lot of time, solving few questions, you may not get enough time to solve the other questions. In order to score 100 marks, you should solve all the questions correctly.
  • Previous Year Question papers: Previous year question papers are very important for your exam. Try to collect the previous years’ question papers and solve them. You can mark the important questions which may come in your maths exam. Solve the previous years’ question papers, so that you can perform well in your exam. It will enhance your analytical and problem-solving abilities.
  • Doubt clarification: If you have any doubts regarding any chapter, clarify it. You can ask your teacher or friend to help you with your queries. Go through the NCERT class 10 Maths textbook because it is written in easy language. The complex problems are solved in an easy and simple way. It will help you to clear your fundamental concepts. 
  • Smart Study: Scoring 100 will not be easy if you do not study smartly. Hard work is the key to success, but smart work is equally important. Make a plan and execute it effectively. You should know your weaker and stronger areas. Try to utilize your time effectively to score 100 marks. Study regularly for few hours so that you do not have to panic before the exam.
  • Take a break: Studying and practicing maths for many hours can be frustrating. You should give yourself enough time to relax. Take breaks in between study hours and do not get stressed. Stress can only lead to nervousness and anxiety. If you are anxious, you may forget the formulas. Stay calm and be confident.

These are few tips on how to score 100 in class 10 maths. You should also be determined and consistent in your approach to accomplish your goal.

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