Where Is Healthcare Headed Under Trump’s Administration?

Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Dr. David Wilcox.
Health Transparency: The Real Truth with Dr. David Wilcox
With every election comes a certain amount of uncertainty about what policies the new administration will implement. This is especially true in healthcare as many Americans rely on healthcare exchanges, Medicare and Medicaid to cover their healthcare expenses and provide adequate insurance they can afford. So, what can we expect under Trump’s administration?
The good news is that Trump has a track on healthcare due to his previous administration. One of the most encouraging things I heard him say is that he has no intention of repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which is a comprehensive reform law, enacted in 2010, that increases health insurance coverage for the uninsured and implements reforms to the health insurance market. He did say that if he could make it less costly he would make some changes. This, in my opinion, shows that Trump’s view on healthcare has matured. With the healthcare subsidies for health plans on the Affordable Care Act exchanges expiring after 2025, we in the healthcare community are hoping he will continue them as 4 million people will be affected if he doesn’t. Currently, we have the lowest rates of uninsured individuals that we have ever had in this country. That is a huge accomplishment.
We have the sickest population of any country with 1 in 4 Americans being obese and many suffering from chronic illness. Our healthcare system under a fee-for-service model is designed to keep Americans sick. This allows parasites such as the pharmaceutical industry to drive mega profits off of America’s chronic diseases. With two-thirds of the FDA’s budget being derived from pharmaceutical companies, this is no accident. In fact, it’s a well thought out business strategy. As an example, by allowing unhealthy things into the food supply such as high fructose corn syrup the FDA had a role in creating the obesity epidemic. The cure, high priced weight loss drugs intended to drive profits for the pharmaceutical companies. Again, a brilliant business strategy at the expense of the American people.
Healthcare is ripe for disruption. With Trump’s appointment of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head the Health and Human Services which is also responsible for the FDA we are offered a new perspective. The root cause of obesity and chronic diseases has always been the Standard American Diet. When it’s cheaper to buy a happy meal at McDonald’s than a nutritious salad at Whole Foods we aren’t setting lower income Americans up for success. It’s refreshing to hear that Kennedy wants to go after the 1.5 trillion dollar food industry and remove the additives, dyes, and other unhealthy substances from our food supply. This is sorely needed and could impact the health of Americans all over this country.
While Kennedy’s views on vaccines are alarming to the healthcare community he has stated he wouldn’t remove them as he wants people to have a choice. There is a mercury binding agent used in multidose vaccine vials that some claim is linked to autism but even when it was removed in pediatric vaccines in 2001 autism rates continued to climb. Hopefully, Kennedy will follow the science of vaccines. The good news is that Dr. Marty Makary, Trump’s pick to be the FDA commissioner is not aligned with Kennedy’s views on vaccines but is aligned on going after the food industry to make Americans healthier.
Trump’s pick for the head of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Dr. Mehmet Oz will be responsible for the oversight of the largest insurer in America. Dr. Oz has been a proponent of Medicare Advantage for all if Americans are not covered by Medicaid. This is different from Senator Bernie Sanders stance which is Medicare for all. In Sanders proposal, the government would own the insurance of all Americans which would drastically reduce prices by gutting the private healthcare insurance companies and allowing the government to negotiate drug prices. Dr. Oz would privatize Medicare and give full control to the insurance companies to administer the nation’s healthcare. We have seen hospital systems dumping Medicare Advantage programs left and right over an increase in denials, delayed payments, and many prior authorizations. This could mean that Americans may have to travel to obtain healthcare if their local hospital doesn’t accept their Medicare Advantage insurance. It’s also interesting to note that Dr. Oz and his wife owned up to $550,000 in shares in UnitedHealth Group, the largest Medicare Advantage insurer, and up to $50,000 in shares in CVS Health, campaign disclosures from 2022 report.
The other consideration in a Medicare Advantage for all model is this would be the first time insurance in America would not be tied to an individual’s employer. This would allow Americans the freedom to change jobs more fluently. Dr. Oz in the past has called for a 20% employment tax to pay for this program. Insurance companies have proven time after time they are in this business to make a profit, not care for patients. Privatization of Medicare is not in the average American’s best interest.
With Trump’s call for increasing tariffs, we can expect to pay more for generic medications. If Trump imposes his proposed 20% blanket tariff on imports, the cost of generic drugs could go up. This is because few generic drugs are made in the U.S., with about half of all generics and 80% of active pharmaceutical ingredients sourced from countries such as China and India. The idea behind tariffs is to encourage U.S. companies to manufacture more products domestically. However, experts have said this could backfire for generic drugs, with manufacturing becoming less profitable over the years and few companies willing to invest in new facilities. If tariffs make it difficult for generic drugmakers to profit, some may exit the market. This could reduce competition, leaving fewer options for consumers and possibly leading to higher prices for remaining medications.
Experts also warn that tariffs could exacerbate drug shortages in the U.S., which include chemotherapy drugs, IV fluids, and common medications such as painkillers and ADHD drugs. Tariffs could disrupt the supply chain, leading to shortages and higher prices for patients.
While any new administration will implement policies to make changes, Trump’s healthcare team looks to be the most disruptive force that we have seen in healthcare in a long time. Many of the changes proposed could both positively and negatively impact Americans healthcare so it’s good to be aware of what’s on the table and how it may impact Americans and their families.
According to a statement, “Healthcare is complex and that is not an accident. It is complex by the healthcare entities vying for your healthcare dollars. Covid has exacerbated the American Healthcare System, which was fragile, to begin with. Many clinicians are leaving healthcare due to burnout. How does the average layperson navigate the complexities of the American Healthcare System where a prescription could cost you $5 at one pharmacy and $500 at another? What does the average layperson do when their insurance company rejects their claim? Proactive education of the American Healthcare System prior to accessing it is the key to safely navigating the healthcare system. Until now, little information has been available to provide the layperson with the knowledge they need to be a better partner in their health care. Dr. David Wilcox’s book How to Avoid Being a Victim of the American Healthcare System: A Patient’s Handbook for Survival” is a game-changer and will provide you with the skill set you need to navigate the American Healthcare System.
Website: https://drdavidwilcox.com/
Dr. Wilcox is a Doctorate prepared nurse who also holds a Masters in Health Administration and is Board Certified in Nursing Informatics. Dr. Wilcox has 28 years of healthcare experience in which he worked as a bedside nurse, hospital administrator, and in healthcare information technology which has helped him to develop his unique perspective on the American Healthcare System.
Dr. Wilcox is the author of the book “How to Avoid Being a Victim of the American Healthcare System: A Patient’s Handbook for Survival (2021)” available at https://www.amazon.com/dp/0578878364
Dr. Wilcox currently resides in North Carolina with his wife and their three dogs.
Dr Wilcox’s website: Dr. David Wilcox – Healthcare, American Healthcare System (drdavidwilcox.com)
Connect with Dr. David Wilcox on social media:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-wilcox-48631113/
X/Twitter: @DrDavidHelps