Find It Now – No News Years Resolution to Get Organized Required


By Elizabeth Thede, Special for The Daily Blaze

It is New Year’s resolution time again, and one common New Year’s resolution is to finally get electronically organized. However, as this article will show, even if you never get this done, dtSearch will help you search through your own data, no matter how disorganized it remains. Once you install dtSearch, you can instantly search through terabytes, even if you never get around to organizing.

For those who are not familiar with dtSearch, the company has enterprise and developer products that instantly search terabytes of data across a wide variety of different data formats, including Microsoft “Office” files, PDFs, emails with multilevel attachments, databases and Internet or Intranet data. Because dtSearch can instantly search terabytes of data, many of dtSearch’s customers are large enterprises. For example, 4 out of 5 of the Fortune 500’s largest Aerospace and Defense companies are dtSearch customers. And dtSearch has users across all levels of state, federal and even international government agencies.

But along with enterprise-level search, dtSearch also lets you search for data on your own PC. And this is where dtSearch comes in to instantly retrieve your own data – even if you don’t organize a thing.

At this point, you are probably wondering how dtSearch works. dtSearch works by building an index that holds each unique word – or number – in your data, and the location of that word or number in your data. Each index can cover a terabyte of data. And once dtSearch has built that terabyte index (or indexes), it can instantly search across all of that data.

Indexing is easy. You just tell dtSearch what you want to index. For example, you could tell dtSearch to index your entire c:/documents directory. Or a network i drive. Or the folders that contain all email correspondence. And dtSearch will do all the work here, starting with figuring out what types of data it is working with.

In other words, dtSearch will figure out if it working with Microsoft Office files, other Office files like PDFs, HTML data, XML data, email data or whatever – all by itself.  Suppose dtSearch runs across an email with a ZIP attachment and inside the ZIP attachment is a PDF file and a PowerPoint file with an embedded Excel spreadsheet. dtSearch will automatically recognize and parse that structure for indexing. And then, once the index is done, dtSearch lets you instantly search across all that data for whatever you want to find.

Once dtSearch has built its search index, dtSearch lets you instantly search using over 25 different search types, including phrase searching, Boolean and/or/not searching, proximity searching, fuzzy searching to sift through typographical errors, phonic searching to find words that sound alike in English, regular expression searching, searching with wildcards, credit card searching, forensics-oriented search options like file hash searching, multicolor hit highlighting and much more.

The dtSearch Engine package makes available even more search options. For example, this product also adds faceted searching, through which the developer can leverage metadata in the documents themselves or metadata in a backend SQL or NoSQL database (which the dtSearch Engine can also search) to allow the end-user to “drill down” through different metadata levels prior to performing a full-text search. And granular data classification lets everyone perform the same searches across the same index or indexes, while ensuring that the retrieved data for each end-user will only match exactly what the enterprise authorizes that end-user to see.

You can see why running dtSearch is an alternative to getting organized. From (, you can immediately download and try a fully-functional 30-day evaluation version to instantly search terabytes of your own data.

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