Fundraising Book Launches for the Public Schools


Public school teachers and administrators are excited for the launch of Stan Levenson’s revised and updated fundraising book written for classroom teachers at all levels, principals, superintendents, school board members, parents and philanthropists. The book called, THE ESSENTIAL FUNDRAISING GUIDE FOR K-12 SCHOOLS, REVISED AND UPDATED 2019, is available on as an eBook and a paperback. Levenson has made corrections as needed to the more than 350 links in the book to enable readers to access them with ease and efficiency.

He has elaborated on and offered helpful suggestions on because this funding opportunity has become so important in the lives of teachers across the USA. Because Early Childhood Education is so critical in the lives of children, Levenson has spent many hours researching funding agencies for Early Childhood Education and reveals them in the book. He has enhanced the Naming Rights section of the book as well by adding schools and school districts that have become successful in bringing in major dollars in Naming Rights. Additionally, because so many people have been influenced positively across the USA by public school teachers at all levels, Levenson added a job description for Director of Alumni Relations to the section on Staffing the Development Office.

Stan Levenson has been involved in K-12 fundraising for more than 45 years. One of the foremost K-12 fundraising writers in America, he is known throughout the world as an author of books and articles on fundraising, as a fundraising guru, as a teacher, and as a storyteller extraordinaire. He has been interviewed on radio and television, online, and in the press, and has been quoted in newspapers and magazines across the nation. Levenson has written the only multicultural children’s book about fundraising called, JUAN AND GWEN’S BIG FUNDRAISING SURPRISE available on He has thousands of followers on Twitter including preK-12 teachers, parents, principals, superintendents, school board members, school foundation board members, and philanthropists. His Twitter address is: @StanLevenson.

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