“Sunday’s reprisal drone and rocket attacks from the Islamic Republic of Iran into Israel was as awkward as it was underwhelming. It was awkward, considering how a fully mobilized and capable Israeli Defense Force (IDF) demonstrated such remarkable restraint. Israel could have easily targeted the locations inside Iran from which the attacks were launched, but they didn’t. It was underwhelming based on the fiery statements of Iran’s most senior leaders that resulted in a resounding drubbing by the IDF – it was an outright military failure of the Iranians. The powerfully scripted warning to Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu by Iran’s Supreme leader Ali Khamenei was quickly foiled – the growl of the Iranian wolf manifested itself as the purr of a kitten and their bite reminiscent of a lamb’s nervous nibble. It is clear Iran wants no more direct interaction with the Israeli military – no more F-15 or F-35 strikes and certainly no Israeli special forces planning or executing missions against their deployed forces – Israel should guarantee neither.”
BIO: Col. Eric Buer (USMC-Ret), author of Ghosts of Baghdad: Marine Corps Gunships on the Opening Days of the Iraq War is currently a senior executive for an aviation and training company. He is also a consultant and public speaker in the areas of military and commercial aviation and global conflict.
Buer, a native Californian, spent his formative years in rural New England before graduating from Ohio Wesleyan University with a degree in economics. After accepting a commission from the Marine Corps, he was trained to fly attack helicopters.
His deployments took him to the Persian Gulf, Somalia, Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. He later served on the staff of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs as a professor of national security strategy and policy at the National War College and as an air group commanding officer.
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