Reason for Quitting Your Job on Your CV: What Should I Write?
As a rule, when writing a CV, we give information about our education, experience, various achievements, but we do not mention the reasons for leaving our previous jobs. This point is not compulsory, but the recruiter will ask about the reason for the decision to change jobs anyway. It is worth preparing for this question by providing initial information in your CV. Read below how to do it correctly.
How to fill in the section
Immediately understand that whatever the reason, you should not write about it in detail. The text should be concise, not emotional. However, you should be prepared to answer the HR manager’s questions if he or she asks for clarification.
Write the actual reason for leaving the job, i.e., that which is stated in your work record book. Do not invent or embellish anything. In general, try not to emphasise this subsection in your CV.
If you have worked unofficially and there is no record in your work history, write the real reason for leaving, but again, without emotion, detail, or fabrication. When the recruiter at the interview will ask for an explanation of your departure, try to make 2-3 general “dry” phrases.
It may be that with the previous employer, you parted, to put it mildly, not friends, and in the employment book is not exactly an attractive record. In that case, there are two ways: write everything as it is or try to “disguise” the reason. Let’s look at both options in more detail.
If you are truthful in admitting that “you were fired”, try at the interview to explain as gently as possible that there was a slight misunderstanding, which made further cooperation if not impossible, then certainly undesirable and unattractive to both parties. You have drawn conclusions from the situation and will try to prevent it from happening again. If you are embarrassed about leaving “involuntarily” and want to hide it from a potential employer, you can write on your CV that the termination was “by mutual agreement”.
What is the best way to put it?
Experience shows that the most common reasons for resignation are:
- low wages;
- lack of career prospects;
- conflicts with the management;
- impossibility of self-development;
- uninteresting tasks;
- irregular salary payment;
- an unpleasant atmosphere in the team;
- unofficial employment;
- lack of freedom of action in decision-making;
- rigid work schedule.
Main variants
The most “good” reasons for a change of workplace are the following:
- bankruptcy (liquidation) of the firm or structural unit where the employee worked;
- Lack of career prospects, if you want to have career prospects;
- the end of the employment contract;
- the company does not formally register its employees;
- a move to a new place of residence or a change in the location of the office;
- the position has been excluded from the company’s staff;
- Low wages with no prospect of an increase;
- The company has been reorganised and there has been a change in management approach.
In any case, information about the reasons for resignation from previous jobs should be given very carefully and competently, and to avoid unforgivable mistakes, it is better to ask for help from the professionals