Technology Solves Problems with the Storage of Renewable Energy


The Neutrino Energy Group cooperates with a worldwide team of scientists and various international research centers, which deal with application research, the conversion of invisible radiation spectra of the sun, among other things, such as neutrinos (high-energy particles, which ceaselessly reach the Earth) in electric power.

Everyone agrees that renewable energy is the way of the future. Fossil fuels hurt the environment, and while nobody knows how much coal, oil and natural gas are left in the world, we all know that our fossil fuel supply isn’t infinite.

Currently, however, the renewable energy industry is caught in a quagmire. To make technologies like wind and solar energy capable of supporting entire energy grids, it will be necessary to make battery technology much cheaper than it currently is. According to a recent article in SingularityHub, researchers have established that battery storage technology must fall below $20 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) to compete with fossil fuels. The only problem is that the most cutting-edge lithium-ion battery technology has just now fallen below $200 per kWh.

The Storage Solution Dilemma

Solar and wind energy are the most popular types of renewable energy around the world by far. These two types of renewable energy technologies become more efficient by the year, and already, they’re alleviating the demand for fossil fuels that is currently threatening to put a stop to the steady progress of our advanced technological society.

Despite their many virtues, however, both wind and solar energy suffer from a crippling flaw: Photovoltaic technology only works when the sun is up, and wind farms only generate electricity when the wind is blowing. Therefore, it’s necessary to store the energy that these types of renewable power sources produce. Human beings continue to use electrical energy when the sun is down and the air is still, and to access this energy and thus make renewable power technologies competitive with fossil fuels, it must be stored in batteries.

Current battery technology is, however, too inefficient and too expensive. Batteries are also wasteful; even the most advanced types of batteries on the market only last for a certain finite number of charge cycles, and then they’re no longer useful; they’re discarded and become polluting junk.

What If There Was No Need to Store Energy?

If it wasn’t necessary to store renewable energy, there would be no need to rely on wasteful and inefficient battery technology. Batteries get more advanced by the day, and there may come a point in history in which storing limitless amounts of electricity will seem like child’s play. In the interim, however, a 2015 discovery is pointing humanity toward a future in which fossil fuels become truly obsolete.

While it was only four years ago that scientists in Japan and Canada simultaneously discovered that neutrinos have mass, the world of energy science has already been turned on its head. If these ethereal particles that bombard the Earth by the trillions every day have mass, they also have energy, and this energy can be exploited with the right technology.

It might seem like science fiction, but technology has already been developed that can capture the mass of moving neutrinos in the form of kinetic energy and transform it into electricity. This technology has been proven to work in laboratory settings, and the only remaining step is to make neutrinovoltaic technology suitable for consumer use.

Since neutrinos never stop bombarding the Earth, there’s no need to store the energy that is derived from the steady flow of these ghostly particles. While the amount of electrical energy that can be derived from neutrinos remains quite small, neutrinovoltaic technology continues to become more powerful at the same pace that electronic devices, smartphones, and even heavy machinery continue to become more energy-efficient. 

Neutrinovoltaics: The Salvation of Storage-Dependent Energy Technologies

Even when implemented in an exceedingly small scale, neutrinovoltaic technology can take the pressure off storage-dependent renewable energy technologies. If neutrino energy only accounts for 10 percent of the total needs of a renewable power grid, for instance, that’s 10 percent of that grid’s electricity that doesn’t need to be stored in batteries.

The true beauty of neutrinovoltaic technology is its decentralization. While the electrical energy derived from fossil fuels can only be generated at central locations and most homes aren’t equipped with solar panels or wind farms, neutrinovoltaic devices are small enough to be installed directly inside smartphones, appliances, cars and other types of energy-reliant machines. With neutrino energy, therefore, there’s no need to waste electricity by sending it across town.

Neutrino energy can be generated constantly, even when the sun is down and the wind isn’t blowing. Since neutrinos pass through almost every artificial and natural substance without any resistance whatsoever, it’s possible to install neutrinovoltaic devices underground. Neutrinos continue to strike the Earth regardless of environmental conditions, which makes neutrinovoltaic technology the first truly sustainable energy breakthrough that humanity has ever developed.

How the Neutrino Energy Group Is Lighting Humanity’s Future

Led by pioneering mathematician and energy scientist Holger Thorsten Schubart, the Neutrino Energy Group is at the forefront of the development of tomorrow’s clean energy solutions. As a partnership between American and German organizations, the Neutrino Energy Group transcends national boundaries to devise energy solutions that will help the entire world.

Within a few short years, Schubart predicts that neutrino energy will be capable of powering smartphones, tablets, and other devices that consume small amounts of electricity, and it won’t be long after that until entire households and businesses can be powered with the same technology.

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