The Dos and Don’ts of Running a Business With Your Spouse
Many people have very strong feelings about working with family. At the same time, there are couples and families who swear by working with their spouses, children, or partner. If you and your spouse are considering starting a small business together, there are a few steps you can take and things to consider that might make a big difference in your relationship and business success. For a closer look at the pros and cons of working closely by running a business with your spouse, read on.
Find ways to compartmentalize.
One of the biggest risks you can run if you own a business with your spouse is a lack of intimacy. Because being a business owner requires a lot of work to position your business at the top of any industry, it’s easy to get caught in the trap of putting your own marriage at the bottom of your priorities while working toward your business goals. The bottom line is that the best way to keep the intimacy fresh and your own marriage strong as you navigate your business is to develop the ability to compartmentalize.
If you and your spouse are thinking of opening a business together, it might be a good idea to try a Google search like marriage retreats near me where you’ll be able to attend therapist-run training programs and workshops that give you the soft skills you need to keep your marriage fresh and work and your love life separate. At these often luxurious retreats, therapists will help you and your partner stay clear of triggers that could land you on the brink of divorce. Even better, these marriage-intensive, therapeutic retreats will go a long way in helping you and your partner to identify your own strengths and weaknesses both in and out of the marriage.
Hand over some of the responsibilities to your staff.
When you spend days talking about employee performance, training methods, budgets, and the specific needs of customers, it can be easy to get caught up in the ins and outs of work and forget to spend time together as a couple. One way to do this is by introducing some efficient training programs and prepare your staff to take some of your workload.
The correct training and development of employees can support you when handing over some of the responsibilities that you have as a boss so that you and your sweetheart can focus on each other. If you hope to start a business with your spouse, it’s a good idea to plan regular vacations where you’ll be able to leave work behind and focus on having fun. Like any act of self-care, this could be as important to your business success as general career development. When you take your vacation, be sure to leave work at home.
Celebrate your milestones.
Whether you take day retreats or splurge on bigger vacations, it’s important to celebrate your milestones. One of the biggest pros of working with your partner is that you have mutual successes and failures. To capitalize on the pros of working with the one you love, be sure to take some time to celebrate achievements as a couple. Opening day, a profit milestone, and business anniversaries are all examples of milestones you’ll now have in common.
Have outside interests and hobbies.
Just because you work and live together doesn’t mean it’s not okay to have shared and separate interests. Don’t feel like you can’t take time apart to participate in the activities and hobbies you enjoy with other people you love. It’s important to be well-rounded and get time apart. In making a focused effort to remain true to who you are as individuals, you’ll come back to each other stronger for it.
In the end, the decision to work closely with your partner comes with many pros and cons. There is no right way that works for every couple. In communicating clearly, leaving work at the office, and taking time to focus on your love, and engaging in self-care, you’re bound to be a success story in all areas.