Adam Milstein on the “Islamo-Leftist Alliance’s Threat to Jews and the U.S.”


On July 9th, 2024, the Biden administration accused Iran of emboldening and funding the anti-Israel protests that have rocked the U.S. in the wake of Hamas’ October 7th attack on Israel. A warning issued by the Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines stated that “actors tied to Iran’s government had posed as activists online, sought to encourage on-the-ground protests regarding the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza and even provided demonstrators with financial support,” as reported by The Times of Israel.

This is not surprising on its face. Iran has built a web of terror organizations around the Middle East, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza and the West Bank, Hezbollah in Lebanon, pro-Iranian Militias in Iraq, and the Houthis in Yemen, to violently threaten Israeli security and sovereignty. Their involvement in anti-Israel protests on U.S. soil is an easy way to export their violent antisemitic ideology to the West. What’s surprising, however, is that the anti-Israel protestors, most of whom identify as progressive, are more than happy to not only accept this help of a terror-sponsoring country but align with the Islamic Regime and all of its terrorist actors on key ideological grounds: opposition to Israel and Western values.

This is what many have been calling the “Islamo-leftist alliance.” Prominent Jewish philanthropist and Israeli of American descent Adam Milstein has been sounding the alarm on this unholy alliance for years. He broke down its origin, impact, and what we can do to combat it in a recent article for the Jewish Policy Center. Milstein has decades of experience in the fight against antisemitism, having co-founded the Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation with his wife Gila in 2000. The non-profit has been successful in its mission to support a network of organizations that work to strengthen American values, support the U.S.-Israel alliance, and combat bigotry and hatred in all forms, most notably antisemitism.

First, Milstein digs into how such an alliance arose between Islamists and American progressives, who are seemingly at opposite ends of the political spectrum. Essentially, they are “driven by a hatred toward a common enemy: the West and its allies” – Israel being the most vilified of all allies. Both groups share a “particular hatred of Israel, the Jewish people, and their Western values in the Middle East.” This allows them to “unite in terminology, tactics, and vitriol to delegitimize, demonize, and defame Israel” as well as the United States. This alliance thus poses a threat in three different but tightly related ways: to the Jewish community, to the U.S., and on a global scale.

The anti-Israel rhetoric and actions coming from all quarters of the Islamo-leftist alliance “seek to normalize antisemitic discourse by rebranding it as political criticism and labeling it as ‘anti-Zionism,’” a popular phrase which has been employed in recent years to disguise antisemitism as legitimate political critique. This tactic has real-world consequences for the Jewish community. Milstein explains that the aim is to “exclude Jews from communal spaces, organizations, and institutions” by vilifying Israel and holding anyone who supports Israel responsible for its purported crimes.

Worse, this strategy also seeks “to undermine [Jews’] historical and cultural identity” by stripping them “of their connection to their ancestral homeland.” Milstein points out that Muslim states have been attempting to delegitimize and isolate Israel for decades, but only recently have leftist leaders in countries such as South Africa, Ireland, Spain, and Norway joined in on the effort by either vilifying Israel at the International Court of Justice or formally recognizing a Palestinian state. The result is increased fear and insecurity for Jews across the globe.

The Islamo-leftist alliance is also a clear and present danger to America itself. Milstein explains that “[t]heir hatred toward Israel and the Jewish people overlaps with their rejection of American exceptionalism and America’s international power,” and therefore they seek to “dismantle the principles of democracy, individual liberty, and pluralism that define Western civilization.”

Milstein breaks down four ways in which the alliance seeks to upend these principles:

First, the undermining of institutions. They “promote a narrative-based view of history, avoiding fact-based objective analysis” and ascribe to a “stringent Marxist political orthodoxy.” This is most clearly seen in academia, but it has since crept into corporations and much of the media as well. Second, they seek to erode free speech. Radical leftists employ cancel culture to “stifle voices that challenge their orthodoxy” while Islamists “use accusations of Islamophobia to suppress criticism of extremist ideologies.” Third, the rigid adoption of identity politics threatens to “fracture society along strictly defined racial, religious, and ideological lines.” Fourth, leftists’ separation of everyone into “oppressor” or “oppressed” allows them to advocate for extremist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, which they place in the “oppressed” camp.

The Islamo-leftist alliance also impacts global stability. Milstein argues that it “emboldens authoritarian regimes that oppose democratic values and human rights, and are eager to diminish America’s leading role in the world.” This effectively “provides cover for regimes including Iran, China, and Russia,” who are constantly looking to undermine American and Western influence.

The threats this alliance poses are complex and far-reaching, but Milstein lays out actionable strategies we can take to combat them:

A “staunch commitment to free speech” is paramount in order to ensure the health of American democracy. “Building and maintaining strong alliances with other democracies and moderate Muslim-majority nations is vital,” he says, as this will help stop the spread of radical ideologies. Support for Israel is also key as they are “the frontline state in the battle against radical Islam.” This means “opposing efforts to delegitimize and demonize Israel through movements such as BDS.” In the face of an alliance that “relies on a fractured West,” U.S. leaders should “make a better case for why American liberal values are worth promoting, not just defending.” In order to counter extremism and international influence, the government “must investigate and prevent international funding for radical leftist domestic groups” through robust counterterrorism strategies.

Milstein makes a clear argument that this alliance “represents a formidable challenge to Jews, Americans, and the broader Western world” and that it’s vital we recognize the threat in order to implement effective solutions. This is “not merely a battle for the survival of the Jewish people or the security of Israel; it is a fight for the very soul of Western civilization.” Therefore we must proudly stand up for the liberal values that are foundational to American exceptionalism and multiculturalism and which have ensured prosperity for millions of people.

Special commentary provided by The Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation

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