A Complete Guide to Boat and RV Storage
How should you prepare your boat and RV for storage and what type of storage system should you use? Get the answers in this guide to boat and RV storage.
Did you know that there were almost 12 million boats registered in the USA in 2019?
Boats are synonymous with rest, relaxation, and good times with your friends. Thanks to recent favorable economic conditions, more people than ever own their own boat.
If you have a boat or RV, how do you care for it? Do have the best boat and RV storage facilities? Why not read on to find out what kind of storage is best.
How to Choose the Right Facilities
The first step in choosing the correct storage facilities for your boat or RV is finding somewhere close by. When your boat or RV is stored close by you can regularly access it. This is especially important if your area is subject to harsh weather conditions or high levels of humidity.
If you are looking for a professional storage center, you may want to first check out https://kingstonidealstorage.com/kingston-boat-storage-near-me. They have experienced storage experts that can take good care of your pride and joy.
Preparation For Storage
Boats and RVs may seem able to handle even the roughest weather conditions, however, responsible owners give them some TLC before they put them in storage.
An owner who prepares their boat or RV for storage can look forward to fewer problems when they take it out of storage months or even years later. What are some steps you can take to prepare your boat or RV for storage?
Cleaning Up
Any debris or substance that remains on your paintwork for a long period of time will have a negative effect on it. This could include anything from the fading of paintwork to corrosion and rust.
Take some time to remove sap, bird droppings, and any other foreign substance from your paintwork. Treat metallic fittings and hinges with an anti-rust solution.
Since you are planning to leave your boat or RV for a considerable period of time, now would be a good tie to inspect for holes, dents, or any other way that water could enter into the vehicle. Even a small leak can cause considerable damage over a long period of time.
Clean Internal Areas
Likewise, this would be an ideal opportunity to inspect and maintain the internal areas of your boat or RV. It is especially important to clean seats and any other areas where debris could have settled. This could attract vermin or rot over the weeks and months during storage.
Keeping Unwanted Visitors Out
A dry warm vehicle that lies undisturbed for a number of weeks or months is an ideal spot for mice, insects ants, and cats. You may even find that some animals plan to hibernate in the soft areas around the seating in your boat or RV.
The first step is to seal off areas where they could enter. Air vents and seals should be sealed to prevent entry. Any locations or cupboards that store cables should especially be secured. This is because cables are a particular favorite for rodents with growing teeth.
Everything You Need to Know About Boat and RV storage
If you have invested in a boat or RV, you want to ensure that you will get the most use out of for the longest time possible. A good maintenance program and suitable boat and RV storage facilities will help you to do this.
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